How to Stick to a Daily Routine No Matter What
Your daily routine should make you feel enthusiastic and energized! | photo from unsplash
Wondering how to stick to a routine?
So you’ve created a daily routine…but now how are you going to stick with it?
This is a particularly exciting topic for me as I am going through my own transformation while establishing a new daily routine.
I’ve been at it nearly two months, and I have to tell you--it feels great! I've created the desired energy and feeling I wish to have, and for that reason, I'm sticking to my daily routine no matter what!
Here’s the thing: you can create the greatest daily or morning routine of all times, but if you don’t keep at it, you won’t see the results.
You need to stick with it long enough to make it automatic.
Are you ready? Watch the video!
Watch the Video to Discover How to Make a New Habit Stick
Use R.E.S.T. to Build and Keep a New Routine
This week I'm sharing with you an acronym I've created called R.E.S.T.
Not only are rest and sleep important to your daily routine, but this acronym signifies much more than that.
I've created this acronym to help you stick with your daily routine no matter what!
Now, let's break it down into manageable chunks.
R—Stands for Reward
I start with this because, let's be honest, we're human.
We look with the end in mind. The feeling of satisfaction from achieving what you've set out to do is essential. But for some of us, we need that little bit extra.
You know, the dangling carrot scenario!
Now, don't get me wrong; all of your goals, including your rewards, must be positive. So you'll feel good about yourself when you accomplish them.
But, I like to add a little extra for ME, so it's that much more satisfying.
Starbucks coffee--you know the kind with all of the good stuff and whip cream galore? YES! That is my little pick me up, and I'll use it as an external reward.
Remember, too, if you choose to have an external reward, it doesn't have to be anything you buy either. A simple reward, like watching a couple episodes of your favourite program is a good option. Whatever it may be that makes your heart sing—DO IT!
Give yourself external rewards for sticking to your daily routine. Your internal reward is built into the routine. Sticking with it will make you feel good. But it's useful to have some extra bonus to give you an incentive.
E—Stands for Enthusiasm
If you can't get excited yet about your daily routine, then you may need to make some changes to it.
You should feel empowered to begin your day. The workable chunks of time should be manageable, and it will differ depending upon the individual.
We all have different environments, desires, goals to achieve, work, family and other priorities to consider when developing a daily routine. My best advice is to get excited about it! Life and living should be FUN, above all.
This isn't to say that we don't all have struggles to overcome, and some more than others.
S—Strategize and Plan
This will be a huge determinant of your success in making your daily routine stick!
Planning should involve the act of writing information down that you check daily. For those more technologically inclined, you will most likely use your handheld device, laptop or another electronic gadget to prioritize and input your daily routine with reminders scheduled throughout the day.
Having this written down somewhere holds you accountable to yourself.
It allows you to create the clarity you need to get from where you are to where you want to be through consistent daily routines that become automatic over time. It has been said that 21 days create habit-forming automatization for humans. That repetitiously over time, the new habit is embedded in our subconscious, and we 'do' without conscious thought.
Like weightlifting, I believe that the first 21 days can 'set' the habit. However, 3 sets of 21 days (63 days in total) will solidify the new habits, so they become automatic and stick!
T—Tracking is the Final Step
What you focus on you bring about!
It is essential to measure how well your daily routine is working for you to create a more effective and efficient way of managing your day.
At the end of the week, reflect and assess what worked and what did not and why?
If your routine lacked in a particular area, was it because of a lack of prioritization? Did an unexpected event come up, which might have derailed your best-laid plans? Did everything work as well as you would've liked? Do you feel magnificent at the end of the week?
Any and all of these thoughts could assist you in completing a weekly self-assessment evaluation!
The most important part of the daily routine and making it 'stick' is your willingness and alignment to the desire, feeling, and goals you have set for yourself.
If you feel like you are alone in the process, reach out to me, I'd be happy to provide support for you to develop the best routine for YOU!
Do you have a friend who's been talking about creating a new daily routine? Share this post with them!
Hi! I’m Amanda Da Silva.
I’m a mother of two boys, a wife, daughter, teacher, entrepreneur, former independent school CEO, and life-long learner. I’m all about personal growth, community 💕, and being of service. (Find out more about me here.) In addition to being passionate about personal development, I’m an educator and coach with 20-years experience teaching and leading in the BC school system. I have a B.Hkin, B.Ed, and M.Ed, specializing in leadership and administration. Creating community and leading thriving teams are two of my favourite things to do. I also love helping people live empowered and growth-oriented lives.
I hope you’ll join me as we build our success together! 🙌