3 Good Daily Routines for a Boost in Positive Energy
When you start your day right you can climb even the highest mountain. | Photo from Unsplash
Your Daily Routine Matters
Each day, we choose how we start off and structure our day.
A routine provides you with the necessary framework from which to embrace those aspects near and dear to you. A good routine makes you feel good.
You have a bounce in your step when you set foot into the world, ready for whatever comes your way when you have a good daily routine to follow.
Did you know that it's easy for us to have our brains automatically follow routines and habits?
We automate mundane tasks such as brushing our teeth, preparing coffee, walking, and driving a car. And we can automate positive habits and routines as well.
According to The Power of Habit, by Charles Duhigg, a Duke University researcher found that "more than 40 percent of the actions people performed each day weren't actual decisions, but habits."
40% of what we do is already pre-programmed by our habits.
Wow, 40% of what we do is already pre-programmed.
This programming is so strong that changing these habits takes real self-awareness and work on our part! I know they say life isn't easy.
To have the strength of character and the ability to create your reality each day, you must pay attention to what will keep you in your best form and mood.
Watch the Video for 3 Good Daily Routine Examples
3 daily routines that’ll boost your positive energy:
1) Meditating to still your mind or reading/listening to something inspiring
2) Making sure you eat a good breakfast
3) Checking in with your values and goals
1) Start your day with stillness or inspiration.
Enter a place of stillness or inspiration in the morning. You might not be able to kick back on a tropical beach, but you can set your mind on the right path for the day. | photo from unsplash
It's easy to slip into routines and habits that are potentially detrimental or ones we do not wish to continue.
To make sure that doesn't happen we must become more aware of what we consume first thing in the morning.
My suggestion is to establish a morning routine such as meditation to still your mind. You could also take 10-15 minutes to read an excerpt in a book you find truly inspiring. Or you could also listen to your favourite podcast. This gets your brain thinking in a more creative way. It changes your mindset, preparing you to tackle your day with renewed motivation and positivity! Give it a try.
2) Eat a healthy breakfast.
Don't skip breakfast!
Anyone who knows me well knows I love to eat. Breakfast has always been a part of my daily routine. I'm not a nutritionist by any stretch of the imagination. But I do follow the Canada Food Guide and eat everything in moderation.
If you're interested in a few healthy breakfast options I include as part of my family's morning menu, click below to get the pdf I've created with examples and suggestions.
As a busy mom, I know how hard it is to think up new ideas that the whole family will love come mealtime, so this menu helps me a lot.
Whatever you do, make sure you don’t skip breakfast. You're depriving your body of the necessary nutrients needed to fuel your body and brain for your day. You're most likely a person who cares about yourself and about being your best. If you've been in this routine of skipping breakfast, immediately make this change as an addition in your daily routine.
If you haven't made eating breakfast a priority, you don't need to overeat or have a large meal.
I like breakfast, so I do want to have a heartier meal, but you can have something small or light. It's of paramount importance that you eat healthy, nutritious food to kick start your body's metabolism and digestive processes and get ready for the day.
If this is a particular area of struggle for you, please take the time to get helpful medical advice from your doctor or a wellness practitioner. This way, you'll become aware of the best foods for a healthy, balanced diet—one which fits your lifestyle well and that you will ENJOY!
3) Reviewing your goals and values.
Take a few minutes each day to read and review your dreams, goals and priorities.
Doing so will help you stay focused. If you haven't yet made this a habit and part of your daily routine, you're leaving your day to chance.
It's easy to get distracted if you haven't structured and reviewed your daily goals, making it part of your daily routine. When you're focused on a clear plan of what you need or wish to accomplish, you're less likely to get sucked into distractions that'll sidetrack you from your goals. Netflix can wait, but your goals cannot!
Adding to this, I can't stress how essential it is to know your personal values.
Your values should act as a guide. They should be the North Star in every decision you make, every goal and pathway to achieving it, and everything you do for that matter!
This is the ideal, and it's a high standard to uphold. But you'll feel better about yourself and the choices you make in life when you've done the right thing, even when no one is looking or giving you a pat on the back for a job well done. That is integrity at its finest.
Being true to yourself means keeping your values close to your heart.
People who know themselves well and understand the power of developing goals and how to tackle more significant dreams live happier, more fulfilled lives. They continually look for opportunities for growth.
Individuals who have a higher purpose of improving our world and leaving it better than they found it, truly strive for greatness! If that's you, reviewing your goals and values is crucial. Plus, your ability to develop a growth mindset also expands as you focus on your goals and values.
Reviewing your goals and values will ensure you "sparkle" every chance you get and show up as your authentic self.
Bonus Tip: Let yourself sparkle!
Why do I always refer to the term 'sparkle'?
I do like sparkly things, but more so, it is because I had a mentor that called me "Sparkler." This nickname stuck with me. My mentor said my 'sparkle' was my ability to unite people, light up a room with my smile, and be authentic, and achieve the impossible.
You have talents and skills that make you sparkle too!
Healthy Daily Routine Summary
Step 1: Include meditation or a positive morning practice like listening to an inspiring podcast or reading a positive book.
Step 2: Eat a healthy breakfast that’ll fuel you through the day. Don’t skip breakfast!
Step 3: Review your goals and values daily. Yes, daily!
Step 4: When you do all these things, you’ll sparkle!
My wish is for you to sparkle every chance you get and to show up as your authentic self and be proud of it!
By taking the time to create a positive daily routine, you'll show up and sparkle. If you infuse, by design, intentional positive energy into your daily routine, you'll be able to take on the impossible.
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Hi! I’m Amanda Da Silva.
I’m a mother of two boys, a wife, daughter, teacher, entrepreneur, former independent school CEO, and life-long learner. I’m all about personal growth, community 💕, and being of service. (Find out more about me here.) In addition to being passionate about personal development, I’m an educator and coach with 20-years experience teaching and leading in the BC school system. I have a B.Hkin, B.Ed, and M.Ed, specializing in leadership and administration. Creating community and leading thriving teams are two of my favourite things to do. I also love helping people live empowered and growth-oriented lives.
I hope you’ll join me as we build our success together! 🙌