3 Ways You Can Boost Your Confidence
By Amanda Da Silva, B.Hkin, B.Ed, and M.Ed
4-minute read
Self-confidence is something you can learn. But how are you doing right now?
Have you ever felt the fear of being inadequate?
We've all had those days when we've let a scarcity mindset rule our thoughts. When we can catch our thoughts dead in their tracks, call them out as they are, and 'shift' our mindset to one that's more productive, we've taken another step closer to mind mastery!
With the right mindset, you're given a chance to examine your identity and let go of feelings that don't serve you—the kind of feelings that make you think that something is wrong with you.
"I'll never be able to figure this out."
"Sure, she can do it, but for me, that's impossible."
"What if everything goes wrong, then what will I do?"
"I'm just not the type of person who can be _____________."
When you have the right mindset and feel self-confident, you can float on the surface of challenges rather than sinking into them and getting lost. | photo from unsplash
How to Build Your Self-Confidence in 3 Easy Steps
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Self-healing Boosts Self-Confidence
Taking time during these self-healing opportunities reminds you to deal with any pain you experience rather than ignoring it.
Despite lingering feelings of self-doubt, you need to know your soul deserves to be nurtured and cared for. The inner work of balancing your energy centers and mindset is an essential step in that journey. It's a journey that allows you to build greater self-love and self-confidence and operate from an abundance mindset securing and solidifying your positive worth and value.
Your confidence has EVERYTHING to do with how you approach your own internal struggles, life situations, and other people.
The human reason for existence is to interact and engage with the world around you. You NEED this skill of self-confidence if you are to reach your full potential and peak performance.
So, if you'd like a little more self-confidence as you approach your next stage in life, consider these three areas that will give you a boost:
Find your superpowers
Practice kindness
Learn to celebrate
Knowing Your Superpowers Is Essential to Self-Confidence
Finding your superpowers is a great way to examine your strengths and gifts.
This requires that you work with the person in the mirror.
We all have superpowers. For me, unconditional love for my family and loving others for who they are without any social discriminations are my superpowers. I am patient, passionate, loving, and accepting almost to a fault at times. Overall, LOVE is my superpower!
What are your superpowers?
Start with your strengths and gifts, the talents and innate skills that you already have. Then consider extending your thinking to add other superpowers to your list that you would like to adopt. When you know and recognize your strengths, you automatically feel confident.
Now make sure you use those strengths.
Express gratitude that you are alive that you've been granted another day to contribute and be of value to others. Put your superpowers to use in the world!
Practicing Kindness Boosts Self-Confidence
Next, practicing kindness with yourself is a must!
Funnily enough, we tend to treat others the way we treat ourselves. Learn to develop acts of self-love, such as taking time to appreciate your inner and outer beauty. Now, by beauty, I don't mean the superficial way you look. Instead, I'm referring to how you act and the image you project to others.
Learn to accept thoughtful compliments from others with grace.
Treat yourself with kindness by practicing positive self-talk. Do not allow yourself to pass judgement, but instead find ways to praise your efforts and the process. Don't focus solely on the outcome.
Celebrating Your Wins Builds Self-Confidence
Lastly, learn to celebrate.
Every day there is always something to celebrate if you look to discover small wins and accomplishments. Getting your children to wake up on time to have breakfast, brush their teeth, get dressed and out the door on time for school could be a massive win for a parent with two or more children of school age.
Being able to accomplish your three most important tasks for the day could possibly be a motivating factor for someone who usually procrastinates.
Find ways to celebrate your wins in life—big or small! Celebration creates the release of dopamine, also known as the feel-good hormone. It's a neurotransmitter that's an essential part of your brain's reward system. It will set you on a positive feedback loop where you continue to take actions that lead to more small wins for you to celebrate.
You'll boost your self-confidence when you find your superpowers. To do this, dig deep within your soul. Stretch your belief barriers, knowing that you are worth it and made for more in this lifetime.
Being kind to yourself also helps with self-confidence. Treat yourself with kindness and appreciate yourself.
Celebrate every little and big win every chance you get!
When you set the foundation correctly, you catapult your self-worth, self-esteem, and self-confidence in the right direction.
Once you've mastered the inner work of understanding yourself and gaining greater confidence, the challenges you face can then be reframed with a new belief.
Fear has two faces. Either you Forget Everything And Run — which you will not do if you've developed unwavering self-confidence. Or you Face Everything And Rise.
How you choose to handle yourself is up to you!
What are 3 ways YOU boost your self-confidence?
Are You Ready to Give Your Self-Confidence a Huge Boost?
If you have a big vision but often find that you doubt yourself while making critical decisions, join my group coaching program this fall.
You might be playing a smaller game than is necessary to achieve your biggest goals and dreams.
This is usually because your mindset hasn’t caught up to your goals and dreams. Or you might have values that actually don’t align with your goals. Maybe you need a total reset.
If you find that you’re busy working, but aren’t necessarily making the progress you’d love to see, then group coaching will help you get unstuck, so you can stop spinning your wheels and start making an impact.
Get prepared for the next stage in your life. Everything has changed. What’s your next step?
5 Sessions | October 7th to December 2nd, 2020
Wednesdays at 7 p.m. PST via Zoom
Apply for the Next Session:
5 one-hour live group coaching power hour sessions on a target growth topic
Facebook group for support and additional coaching
Max 20 participants means you’ll get individual coaching as well
Do you know that you’re meant for more?
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for Personal Growth
Hi! I’m Amanda Da Silva.
I’m a mother of two boys, a wife, daughter, teacher, entrepreneur, former CEO, and life-long learner. I’m all about personal growth, community 💕, and being of service. (Find out more about me here.) In addition to being passionate about personal development, I’m an educator and coach with 20-years experience teaching and leading in the BC school system. I have a B.Hkin, B.Ed, and M.Ed, specializing in leadership and administration. Creating community and leading thriving teams are two of my favourite things to do. I also love helping people live empowered and growth-oriented lives.
I hope you’ll join me as we build our success together! 🙌