What Are Your Values?
As kids we learn basic values like sharing and kindness. But many of us haven’t taken the time to go deeper and identify what matters most to us now. Time to get started! | Photo from Unsplash
Do your values guide everything you do?
For years, my values have been what I lean into when times get tough.
Even if I have the worst day ever, I know that I've been successful if I've lived my values.
But what is the definition of "values?" A value is a way of being or believing that we hold most important.
Brené Brown says this in her book Dare to Lead: "living into our values means that we do more than profess our values, we practice them. We walk our talk--we are clear about what we believe and hold important, and we take care that our intentions, words, thoughts, and behaviours align with those beliefs."
I want to help you determine your values if you haven't taken this necessary step.
Watch the Video to Learn How to Define Your Values ⤵
Watch the Video ⤴
Before You Set a Single Goal...Set Your Values
Knowing your values is a critical first step when setting goals.
You must know how to identify your values so you can apply them toward everything you do.
But a warning: merely knowing what to do is not going to help you if you don't take action! Once you've discovered your values, you still have work to do. Daily work.
You'll need to hold yourself accountable for actually making sure these values guide you in all that you undertake in work and life.
Do you really need personal values?
Short answer: yes!
But the long answer is more complicated. If you don't set your own values and standards, people may try to knock your standards lower. Some of the best opportunities that may come your way could come with side-effects that don't meet your expectations.
After many years of hard work in my profession as an educator and leader, I had the opportunity to become the CEO of an independent school. This was a huge step. One I leaped into wholeheartedly.
But there was a personal cost.
I soon learned that the values we put on the walls of our buildings were not necessarily being fully lived. Had I known what I know now, I would have re-thought my choice.
Though you may not immediately know what others' values are, you can course-correct as needed if you know your own. If you're struggling, you'll find peace of mind if you know yourself and have your values as a guiding light. That has certainly been true for me.
Minouche Shafik, Director of the London School of Economics, is quoted as saying,"In the past, jobs were about muscles. Now they're about brains, but in the future, they'll be about heart."
But what is that heart? It's your values. Your values give you the heart to start and the heart to finish (even when the job is tough and the reward seemingly far off).
So, let's dive in and determine which values resonate deeply with our hearts!
Who we are is how we lead. If we want brave, bold, strong, courageous and thoughtful leaders in this world, we'd better lead by example with our hearts open and our values intact.
"Lead by example with your heart open and your values intact."
Who you are is reflected by your actions, words, how you show up, treat others, and in everything you do. We need more people standing firm for what they believe.
If you haven't thought about this before, that's okay, you're not alone.
Ignorance is bliss. But as soon as you realize the importance of values, it's time to act.
Activity to Identify and Activate Your Personal Values:
STEP 1: connect
Use the pdf list of values linked below to begin. Circle every single one that you connect with.
STEP 2: review
Review what you circled and look for patterns. Are some of the values connected? Could they be combined into one value?
STEP 3: refine
Narrow your top values down to a maximum of 5. You may have more than that, but these top 3-5 are your most critical values that will guide your life. Don't worry, this isn't forever. You can re-evaluate at any time.
STEP 4: remind
Create a poster of some kind to put your values up in your space. This will remind you of your values on a daily basis.
Examples of Values:
Some typical personal values examples are health, love, relationships, friendship, kindness, honesty, career, family, financial stability, loyalty, freedom, creativity, community, independence, and service. You may relate to all of these values. But which are the most important to you? The key to living a fulfilling life is to define your top values, so you can quickly refer to them as you make decisions every day.
The more you apply your core values in your daily decision-making process, the more they will become embedded in your subconscious.
Actions speak louder than words. You will become your values personified!
I've turned my values into a personal mantra by which I live: Love ~ Live ~ Serve.
My values mantra is LOVE, LIVE, SERVE. What’s yours?
At the end of every day, I ask myself if I lived those three values. No matter how tough the day (if it all went right or it all went wrong), I'm able to feel successful because I lived my values.
I hope you find that your values become your guiding light as well.
You must know your values if you're going to live your values.
Living your values will lead to a more fulfilling life.
If you know your values, you'll be able to more effectively course-correct if you find yourself in a tough or negative situation.
While you may have many values, choose your top 3-5 and make it into a mantra.
Put up your mantra and use it daily as a way to define your success.
Dare to Lead by Brené Brown, quote from page 186 | https://daretolead.brenebrown.com
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Hi! I’m Amanda Da Silva.
I’m a mother of two boys, a wife, daughter, teacher, entrepreneur, former CEO, and life-long learner. I’m all about personal growth, community 💕, and being of service. (Find out more about me here.) In addition to being passionate about personal development, I’m an educator and coach with 20-years experience teaching and leading in the BC school system. I have a B.Hkin, B.Ed, and M.Ed, specializing in leadership and administration. Creating community and leading thriving teams are two of my favourite things to do. I also love helping people live empowered and growth-oriented lives.
I hope you’ll join me as we build our success together! 🙌